Dragon & Colonies Mobile Android WORKING Mod APK Download

Dragon & Colonies Mobile Android WORKING Mod APK Download

The latest work given by Level Five that has produced numerous hits and Keiji Inafa is finally here!

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Create a facility in the cube-shaped world “Hakionion”, let the residents live, create your own kingdom, and fight against the enemies.
Make, make and fight! !


Dragon & Colonies Mobile Android WORKING Mod APK Download

■ Cube-shaped world “Hakionion”
Craft your own Haklonion to your own taste!
Many units with various features.
It’s up to you to strengthen the battlefield and increase your productivity.
Create your proud kingdom by freely combining the characteristics of each other!

■ The home country and the enemy country unite! ? Battle system “Kachanko battle”!
“Kaganko Battle” starts when the enemy and your own HA colony merge.
It is better to destroy your opponent’s defense base first.
The arrangement of characters and facilities will greatly influence the outcome.
Arrange the units tactically and prepare for the Kaganko battle!

【Bold fearless one-shot reversal! “Hako rotation”! 】 [
Hako rotation ] which is an important keyword in the battle.
Even in a desperate situation,
you can aim for a one-shot reversal by rotating your own H colony and changing the field!

【With friends nearby and people all over the world! 】
Ha colony that I grew up can enjoy the Battle of Chakanko anytime, anywhere!
You may decide the best among your friends, or aim for national rankings,
It is good if you win out! ?

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■ How to enjoy is “Hako Life”
Each person enjoys how to enjoy Ha colony. Take good care of your field work,
strengthen your government, and enjoy your life that suits you!

■ Story
The sky and the sea as far as the eye can see.
People live their lives by creating a country on a square floating island called Ha colony.

Such a world used to be a paradise-like country where all races coexist and prosper.
The rule of the paradise king, Hexadron, who created the humanitarian destination, brought about a moment of peace in the sky.

However, the rise and fall is always the world.
The revolt of the three men turned paradise into ashes, and the world rushed into a period of war where three powers fought for supremacy.

Even after the paradise king’s death, its glorious memories will not go away.
Countries all over the world are struggling to find a drawing yard in Kairakuen where the essence of national development has been written.

Terry, the protagonist and best friend, is also a young man from the common people who dream of drawings in paradise.
They were irritated by the bad politics of their hometown, and they went out on a journey out of the country in order to create their own hometown-

this is a story of crafting a true paradise.



Dragon & Colonies Mobile Android WORKING Mod APK Download

How to Install Game?

1. Click on “Download Game” button.
2. Download “Dragon & Colonies” Installer (Supports Resumable Downloads).
3. Open the Installer, Click Next and choose the directory where to Install.
4. Let it Download Full Version game in your specified directory.
5. Open the Game and Enjoy Playing.

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If you face any problem in Running “Dragon & Colonies” then please feel free to comment down below, I will reply as soon as possible.

Dragon & Colonies Mobile Android WORKING Mod APK Download, Dragon & Colonies Mobile Android WORKING Mod APK Download, Dragon & Colonies Mobile Android WORKING Mod APK Download

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