Roller Champions PS4 Version Full Game

Roller Champions PS4 Version Full Game Free Download


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Roller Champions is Ubisoft’s free-to-play game that puts the traditional Roller Derby in the spotlight and adds some extra rules to make it one of the company’s big bets for next year.

We had the opportunity to test it during a special press event shortly before E3, and I confess that my feelings are conflicting. At the same time that made me want to continue playing until I got a single win, he could also leave the players in great moments of idleness during the matches.

Roller Champions PS4 Version Full Game Free Download

The game runs with matches between three players per team, each with its own avatar and visual characteristics (no skills at present, but I imagine something will be implemented during the development process). Even a drone viewer mode is already ready for the game and practically meant for streaming matches.

He remembered a little Rocket League, on account of the action under wheels (in this case, skates), in search of a ball. But the comparison also ends there. Unlike the strollers, aiming at your goal (ball) and running behind it in the Roller Champions proved a tricky trick because, in addition to maintaining the speed of the skaters, we need to pick up the vertical walls, as well as a half-pipe for other types of competitions.

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In possession of the ball, the rules are simple: Run around the oval circuit in search of the highest number of laps before you risk a shot in the goal (a shiny ball in the highest corner of the arena.) Each extra turn represents an extra point, but do not think that the task will be easy. Losing possession of the ball forces you to start the scoring path again.

The player can run with the ball, avoid attacks of the opponents, pass and throw to the goal (it is necessary to aim before the shot). On the defense side, he can knock down the opposing player and run. It is possible to run to either side of the oval circuit and the idea is to remain with possession of the ball as long as possible.

However, developers have made it clear that Roller Champions is a cooperative game that requires extensive communication between players. The simple exercise of passing the ball requires that both players participating in the play are aware of the situation. That is, it is only possible to pass the ball to a teammate if he asks for it (by pressing the same pass button but without the ball).

I found this mechanic a bit strange because it takes away some of the dynamism of the game. Do not think that squeezing like a desperate pass button helps you in some way. There is a specific animation to ask for possession of the ball, and it lasts for about two seconds, enough time for you to slow down and lose the prominent position in the field from the moment the ball was requested until the time the player with the ball realizes the action.

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Hence the importance of verbal communication and the recommendation that Roller Champions players always wear headsets during matches.

Overall, it’s an interesting and even quite promising game. They promise a lot of extra arenas for the match (only two are currently available, one for the beach and one for the “official”), as well as a scoring system involving their number of fans to unlock things in the game (not yet revealed). If they trim the right burrs, it should become as addictive as some of that bizarre car and soccer games on the market.




Roller Champions PS4 Version Full Game Free Download

How to Install Game?

1. Click on “Download Game” button.
2. Download “Roller Champions” Installer (Supports Resumable Downloads).
3. Open the Installer, Click Next and choose the directory where to Install.
4. Let it Download Full Version game in your specified directory.
5. Open the Game and Enjoy Playing.

If you face any problem in Running “Roller Champions” then please feel free to comment down below, I will reply as soon as possible.

Roller Champions PS4 Version Full Game Free Download, Roller Champions PS4 Version Full Game Free Download, Roller Champions PS4 Version Full Game Free Downloadd

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