Creation of Art with Artificial Intelligence, Not Competition but Win-Win

in recent years, Artificial Intelligence has been challenging the creation of art that was considered a unique area of humanity. although artificial intelligence is rapidly reshaping the industrial ecosystem, art that requires high thinking and creativity is a human privilege […]

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Power Connection to Prosthetic Leg, Less powerful and ‘Natural’ Walking

a new exoskeleton has been introduced that powers the prosthetic leg, allowing them to walk less forcefully and naturally. Tommaso Lenzi, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Utah, USA, announced in the 11th journal Nature Medicine that […]

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Europe’s first Venus Exploration Mission

Beautiful planet venus Venus is roughly class -4-5 when it is brightest. Because of this, Venus is the second brightest celestial body on Earth after the sun and moon. Venus, the second planet in the solar system, called the Night […]

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